Leadership Development

Do you struggle to engage with others effectively?

Do you understand the importance of a healthy organizational culture?

Are you equipped to lead in both normal times, as well as adverse conditions?

You manage things; you lead people. Leadership effectiveness does not happen with the flip of a switch. It must be practiced and cultivated over time.

You can increase your effectiveness

How will we get you there?

At Rising Sun, you’ll increase effectiveness through a philosophy which emphasizes the following ideals:


You’ll put others’ needs first; behind your own wants, needs, hopes, and dreams; utilizing a selfless, outward-focused approach. Immense value will be found in the importance of your employees, customers, and other stakeholders. You’ll discover newfound strength in your ability to influence and persuade others, setting the stage for them to follow willingly, not forcefully.      


You’ll learn the importance of concepts like feedback, dialogue, coaching, and encouragement. We’ll help you be diligent and intentional in these practices as they’ll play a critical role in your overall approach.    


We’ll help you champion an environment that breeds discussion, creativity, open-mindedness, and learning. However, this culture is not absent of high standards, expectations, and accountability. As a leader, you will set those standards and represent the most significant and influential example of the organization’s culture.  


As you humble yourself, you’ll establish trust, create better relationships, and resolve conflict. You’ll develop a mentality for learning, encourage ideas in addition to your own, and give credit where it’s due.  


Today’s leaders cannot merely react to adversity. You’ll learn to anticipate it, prepare for it, and overcome it when it inevitably arrives. With an awareness of personality, a desire to learn from prior experiences, and an unwavering intent to develop additional skills, you’ll become a better problem solver, decision maker, and change advocate.  

10 Keys of Effective Leadership

The 10 Keys

Level Up – Committing to increasing your leadership knowledge and understanding in order to lead effectively, relationally, and with purpose

Establish Your Foundation – Identifying the core components that contribute to your effectiveness as a leader

Anchor with Trust – Emphasizing theimportance of trust to relational and organizational success

Demonstrate Boldness and Courage – Exhibiting
actions that are grounded in core values and principles

Expand Your Influence – Leading in a manner which deepens employee commitment and strengthens relationships

Raise Your EQ – Identifying and managing emotion in an effort to create better habits and improve interaction

Support Change – Understanding the impact of transition and emotion on successful change

Hone Your Resilience Skills Utilizing continuous growth and development to combat and overcome adversity

Institute a Healthy Culture – Establishing a culture which is supported by and consistent with the organization’s values; and is effective in furthering the mission and achieving strategic goals

Pursue Transformational Results – Applying an approach to leadership which is life-changing

We used these ideals as the foundation for creating our 10 Keys of Effective Leadership™ Course.

The program consists of (10) 2-2.5-hour classes designed to enhance your knowledge of servant leadership, while arming you with the tools vital to your longevity and success. 

This comprehensive program also emphasizes the significance of self-reflection, empowerment, emotional intelligence, and change management. Contact us to discuss the impact the 10 Keys™ Course can have on your leadership and your organization. 

The next level starts with the next step

Ready to take your Leadership Development to the next level?

We would be honored to listen and hear your needs – and see if it’s a good fit for us to come alongside and help you meet your goals.


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