The Details
In this episode, we start a new series centered on a word that quickly became synonymous with 2020 and the ability to handle adversity; resilience. It’s our position that the ability to be resilient is comprised of three factors: personality, or our natural resilience; experience, or our exposure to adversity thus far; and skill set, or the tools we’ve developed in order to become more resilient.
Two fundamental points stressed in the podcast are these:
- Our ability to be resilient equates to our ability to not just survive, but thrive.
- Capacity for resilience is something we can work to build and grow.
When it comes to facing adversity and being resilient, there are some individuals who seem to display a natural resilience about them. While there are characteristics that tend to better align with resilience, we shouldn’t assume that said traits automatically translate to resilience. Conversely, we shouldn’t conclude that other traits instantly signify a lack of resilience. Substantial stress and associative resilience will look differently to everybody.
It’s also important to look at how resilience was viewed and practiced in the past. Some may have faced the adversity head on; taking away valuable lessons in the process. Others may have operated from a standpoint of avoidance or reverted back to a place of strength or comfort. Others still, may simply have not been exposed to a great deal of adversity. As a result, they haven’t had much of an opportunity to practice resilience or benefit from important takeaways.
Resilient individuals don’t allow adversity to permanently define them. They know who they are at the core and rely on those truths and values to assist them in overcoming adversity. Furthermore, they respect the possibility of future adversity without allowing it to consume their present. In other words, they prepare for the future methodically and logically now in order to better respond in the future when emotions may be heightened.
This is not to say they will be fully prepared for all outcomes or respond without making mistakes. Rather, it helps to start a shift in mindset that while adversity is a fact of life; it can be overcome.
While much of our resilience will take place in how we react to adversity, we feel there is a proactive side to resilience as well. The priority we give to developing resilience and learning new skills in the process will aid in building our capacity for resilience and ultimately better position us to handle adversity in a healthier and productive manner going forward.