As a conscientious leader of a company or department, your employees’ successes are your successes. You want yourself and your staff to be prepared and equipped with doable goals for a prosperous New Year for all.
A prepared leader equals more successful and satisfied employees. Take half an hour to think about how you can interact with each staff member at the beginning of this year. Ensuring close communication fosters the kind of relationship between leadership and staff that results in growth for your company.
Try implementing these four ideas to help you and your employees start 2020 on the right foot.
Resolve to learn what personal goals your employees have. Send a survey in an email and reward participation. If they have an interest in teaching, for example, see how you can work some training of new hires into their job responsibilities this year.
It should go without saying to set attainable goals. Still, often by evaluation time, it is common to see employees who are frustrated and feeling anxious about not reaching some or all of their goals.
Based on the weight of their jobs, they may have too many goals to achieve. Or, they were not able to break their larger goals into smaller actionable steps throughout the year and commit to getting them done.
The result can leave an employee fearful of losing his job. He may not want to discuss it with his supervisor. You want to avoid this situation as it can become an irreparable downward spiral for the staff member.
Some managers may try to make similar goals for employees who have like jobs, but you can take it a step farther by first identifying an individual’s strengths and tailoring goals to each person.
Remember, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Your company won’t be either. Spread some of your company goals over five years rather than all in 2020.
Think through a system of rewards for employees who reach their goals and stay consistent in your approach. You could decide on how to implement small rewards (gift cards, lunches) throughout the year for each milestone. Or you may want to use the year-end bonus to reward, based on progress and goals completed.
Help employees succeed in reaching their goals by setting target dates for each. Have them decide when they can start and finish their projects, and then check in regularly with them to monitor progress.
If someone is lagging, ask them to brainstorm suggestions for a solution in a one-on-one meeting with you. To foster productive communication, it helps to be open and flexible in your approach to their opinions.
Planning for the New Year sets the framework for success. Look at the needs of your staff and help them set and attain reasonable goals. Let them have a say in it. You can implement a smart, sure-footed start.
The key to success this year is to show that you care about your staff as individuals. It is essential to set clear expectations from the beginning, provide open communication along the way, and to have an approachable demeanor.